Shrewsbury Receives $35,000 Municipal ADA Grant

Shrewsbury Receives $35,000 Municipal ADA Grant

(BOSTON – 3/20/2023) Last week, the Massachusetts Office on Disability announced that 63 projects in 57 cities and towns had been selected to receive grants through the FY24 Municipal Americans with Disabilities Act Grant program, including a project in Shrewsbury. The grant, totaling $35,000, will fund the purchase and installation of assistive listening systems in town building assembly areas, improving access and removing barriers to government participation for those with a reduced ability to hear.

“Government works best when everyone gets involved in the process and makes their voices heard – that’s why it is so critical that our systems are able to accommodate those who are differently abled,” said Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury). “The installation of assistive listening systems in Shrewsbury will allow those who are hard of hearing to seamlessly participate in town meetings, hearings, and other events with devices that can amplify what is being said into microphones to a volume that is clear and comfortable for the user. I’d like to thank the Massachusetts Office on Disability for their commitment to accessibility and for recognizing the importance of bringing this technology to the people of Shrewsbury through this generous grant.”

“Making municipal facilities more accessible helps people with disabilities fully participate in the community and ensures that local government can effectively serve all residents,” said Representative Hannah Kane (R-Shrewsbury). “I am pleased to see that the Massachusetts Office on Disability has awarded Shrewsbury $35,000 from the Municipal Americans with Disabilities Act Grant to install assistive listening systems in assembly areas in town buildings, and thankful to the Healey-Driscoll Administration for supporting accessibility in Shrewsbury.”

In fiscal year 2024, the Municipal Americans with Disabilities Act Grant program awarded $3,932,321.07 worth of grants to 63 projects in 57 municipalities. Grant applications are submitted to fund specific projects or pay for planning expenses for projects that will expand government accessibility to differently abled individuals.

The Municipal Americans with Disabilities Act Grant program is a yearly grant run through the Massachusetts Office on Disability. The program, funded by the Legislature, is located within the Commonwealth’s yearly capital budget. A full list of FY24 awardees can be found online here. More information about the grant program can be found online here.
